Aprendizado de Inglês Grátis.


Write the Numbers for the Word Values.

Interactive Exercise Free.

Using numbers write in the yellow box the corresponding value in dollars:

Seventy-two dollars and forty-six cents.
$ [R]

Twenty-five dollars and ninety-nine cents.
$ [R]

Thirty-six dollars and forty-two cents.
$ [R]

Forty dollars and ninety-three cents.
$ [R]

Thirty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents.
$ [R]


Forty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents.
$ [R]

Forty-six dollars and ninety-nine cents.
$ [R]

Thirty-five dollars and ninety cents.
$ [R]

Ninety-six dollars and ninety-six cents.
$ [R]

Seventeen dollars and thirty-eight cents.
$ [R]


Values in Dollars of the Exercises Pg 3
